Consistency and Replication

Table of contents

Consistency and Replication

  • Replication (복제)의 목적 Increase availability, dependability, performance without knowledge of replica visibility
  • Replication transparency (복제 투명성) Hiding replication of state in system → Active vs Primary/stand-by replicas
  • Replicated 되는것 : Data, Servers Problem in providing replication (복제 제공의 문제점) : Keeping replicas consistent
  • Totally synchronous model, asynchronous model 사이에 대부분 복제모델이 존재함.
  • Replication model Purpose (목적)
    1. Performance improvement
    2. Availability
    3. Fault tolerance
  • Replication protocol model
    1. repuest phase
    2. server coordination
    3. execution
    4. agreement coordination
    5. client response
  • Replication system model
    1. active
    2. passive
    3. semi active
    4. semi passive
  • Concurrency Control 하는 방법 → 호출 부분 sol 1) the shared object itself can handle concurrent invocations sol 2) the system in which the object resides is responsible
  • Concurrnecy Control 하는 방법 → replicated / shared data objects 부분 sol 1) objects are replication-aware 개체가 복제를 인식 sol 2) object-specific replication protocol is used for replica management 프로토콜이 관리
  • Performance and Scalability

    일관성을 유지하려면 일반적으로 충돌하는 모든 작업이 모든곳에서 동일한 순서로 수행되도록 해야 합니다

    → Conflicting operations from the world of transaction

    1. read-write confilct → 두가지가 동시에 작동 (act concurrently)
    2. write-write conflict → 두개가 동시에 쓰기 (write concurrently)

    global ordering 을 충돌하는 작업에 대해 보장하려면 비용이 많이 들고 확장성이 저해된다

    Solution : Weakening consistency requirements so that global synchronization can be avoided

  • Weakening Consistency Requirements 일관성을 약하게 하기위한 요구사항들

    → Relax the requirement that update need to be executed as atomic operations

    → Do not require global synchronizations

    → Copies may not always be the same everywhere

  • To what extent can consistency be weakened? 일관성이 얼마나 약해질 수 있을까?

    → access , update patterns of the replicated data 에 따라 : data의 관점

    → use of the replicated data : application의 관점

  • Consistency Model
    • data-centric consistency model
    • client-centric consistency model

Data-centric Consistency Models

  • Data-centric Consistency Models 데이터 중심 일관성 모델 strong (sync) ↔ weak (async) consistency models
    • Strong consistency models
      1. Strict consistency
      2. Linearizablilty
      3. Sequential
      4. Causal
      5. FIFO
    • Weak consistency models
      1. General weak
      2. Release
      3. Entry The weaker the consistency model, the easier it is to build a scalable solution

Strong consistency models

  • Strict Consistency

    • 누가 쓰든 마지막 결과를 읽는다. → global time 사용
    • 모든노드들이 항상 같은 데이터를 가지고있다 : 키포인트 : 어떤 global time 가지고 모든 노드가 아주 정확한 physical time을 가지고있고 누가 write할지 read 할지 알고있다.
    • Unfortunately, this is impossible to implement in a distributedd system
    • 가장 strong 한 consistency model
  • Linearizability
    • time stamp 사용하여 먼저 쓴걸 먼저 읽어야 함!
    • write 순서와 동일하게 read해야함
  • Sequential Consistency

    • write 순서와 무관하게 모든 프로세스에서 정해지는 동일한 order만 따르면 된다
    • weaker than strict, linearizablility
    • 읽는 순서는 상관없다. 하지만 모든 프로세스에서 동일한 순서를 가져야 한다.
  • Causal Consistency

    • 인과 관계가 있는 사건과 그렇지 않은 사건을 구별한다.
    • 한 프로세스에서 x에 대해 먼저 읽고, 이후에 x에 썼다면 x에 인과관계가 생김. 이후의 프로세스들에는 이후에 x에 썼던 값을 읽어야 함.
    • R → W : 인과관계 발생, 이후의 R는 W에 의해 정해진다.
  • FIFO Consistency
    • Removed the requirement that causally-related writes must be seen in the same order by all processes
    • A data store is said to be FIFO consistent when it satisfies the followings
      • Writes done by a single process are seen by all other processes in the order in which they were issued
      • Writes from different processes may be seen in a different order by different processes

Weak Consistency models

key point : LOCK → mutual exclusion의 목적

  • General Weak Consistency S : Synchronous Sync 와 operator 들이 group으로 sync가 일어난다

  • Release Consistency lock을 프로세스 단위로 걸어준다 = 프로세스단위로 critical section에 접근 할 수 있도록 한다 → acquire, release Acq : departure from barrier Rel : arrival at barrier

  • Entry Consistency 특정 item에 대해서만 lock을 건다

  • Summary of Data-centric Consistency Model

  • data centric consistency vs client centric consistency

    • data centric : replica 들이 어떤 값을 가져야 할까?
    • client centric : client가 무슨 값을 보고자 하는가?

Client-centric Consistency Models

  • Client-centric Consistency Models

    1. Eventual consistency
    2. Monotonic reads
    3. Monotonic writes
    4. Writes follow reads 목표 : 서버에서 일관성 유지가 목적이 아닌, client가 원하는 특정한 것에 대해서만 일관성을 유지한다.
    • client-centric consistency models 예시 3가지
    1. DNS : update propagated slowly, inserts may not be immediately visible

      업데이트의 전파가 느리고, 삽입은 즉각적으로 표시되지 않을 수 있다.

    2. News
    3. WWW : caches all over the place, but there need to be no guarantee that you are reading the most recent version of a page
  • Eventual consistency
    DNS, WWW와 같은 시스템 → can be viewed as applications of large scale distributed and replicated databases that tolerate a relatively high degree of inconsistency
    DNS와 WWW와 같은 시스템은 비교적 높은 수준의 불일치를 허용하는 대규모 분산 응용프로그램 및 복제 데이터베이스로 생각할 수 있다.

they eventually become consist in all replicas when if no updates take place for a long time

eventual consistency는 따라서 업데이트가 모든 복제본에 전파되도록 보장하기만 하면 된다. guaranteed to propagated to all replicas

클라이언트가 항상 동일한 복제본에 엑세스하는 한 최종 일관성 데이터 저장소는 제대로 작동한다.

  • Monotonic-Read Consistency

    • If a process reads the value of a data item x, any successive read operation on x by that process will always return that same or a more recent value
    • example : calendar updates, incoming mail while you move
  • Monotonic-Write Consistency

    • A write operation by a process on a data item x is completed before any successive write operation on x by the same process
  • Read-Your-Writes Consistency

    • The effect of a write operation by a process on a data item x will always be seen by as successive read operation on x by the same process
  • Writes-Follow-Reads Consistency

    • A write operation by a process on a data item x, following a previous read operation on x by the same process, is guaranteed to take place on the same or a more recent value of x that was read

Consistency Protocols

  • Implementation of a specific consistency model
  • Classification
    • Primary-based protocols
      • Remote-write protocols
      • Local-write protocols
    • Replicated-write protocol
      • Active replication
      • Quorum-based protocols
  • Remote-write protocols

    • All write operatioons are performed at a fixed server
    • Read operations are allowed on a local copy while write operations are forwarded to a fixed primary copy
    • Issues : bottleneck if implemented as a blocking operation
  • Local-write protocols

    • All write operations are performed locally and forwarded to the rest of replicas
    • non-blocking protocol
    • Primary copy migrates between processes that wish to perform a write operation
  • Active Replication

    • group coordination을 둔다.
    • sender-driven vs receiver-driven
  • Quorum-based Protocols
    • Quorum set
      1. W(write) > N/2
      2. R(read) + W > N
    • Read operations
      • number of copies ≥ R
    • Write operations

      • up-to-date copies ≥ W

      (a)  A correct choice of read and write set (b)  A choice that may lead to write-write conflicts since W <= N/2 (c)  A correct choice, known as ROWA (read one, write all)