Add New disk on Linux

Table of contents


  • Make a new partition
sudo fdisk /dev/sdb (new disk device descriptor)
Command (m for help): d (first, remove the previous partition if it exists)
Command (m for help): n (then, create a new one)
Command action

e extended
p primary partition
=> p (set the new partition as a primary partition)

Partition number (1-4):
... (use default values) ...
Command (m for help): w (write the change on the disk)
  • Format the new partition
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1 (new partition device descriptor)
  • Get the UUID of the new partition
sudo blkid
(Write down the UUID of the new partition on your note)
  • Edit the fstab configuration file
sudo vi /etc/fstab
Add the following line
UUID="the UUID of the new disk" [mount location] defaults 0 1
(See fstab man page for a description of all options)
  • Reboot
sudo reboot